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Friday, August 21, 2009

my hands r itched ...ah...

hehhahah.. once a while, I will tend to get this urge especially when I get my pay. I just simply get nt resist in goin through this materislic therapy; stepping into any stores. When this come, I just feel that I need to buy something(at a thing, if nt bulk hehhahaah if i could afford). Although I had to admit sometime when I'm feeling dwn, I also feel like shopping(as if it make me feel happier when I get a shopping bag on my hand) but I do cautious myself nt to shop when Im in this dwn mood(cos I usually end up w things that r useless to me)

in fact, it had been sometime since I got back from Utah trip, my shopping urge/itch is back. I was so high when one of the wives offered to take us(other wives) to town. wow.. hooray, i lve shopping especially my hubby is nt around. Cant stand his naggings/comments, though i often turned deaf ear but it does spoil the mood. I got my own shopping habits which clash w his(man n woman just cant shop together sometimes). Today was wonderful, I got a successful haul from my shopping. Pants from abercrombie, afew dresses from wetseal(second fav after forever21) n forever21. I also got some things from ROSS too.hehhahah n we reached hm just in time to cook dinner for my hubby. WONDERFULL!!!
I wish i could get this shopping trip often.