Exchange of gifts
we buy all our stuff at chinatown.
An Chuang
Things to Buy:
Small Double Xi Plate
2 Longans
2 Red Dates
Lotus Seeds
Bai3 He2
2 Red Packets (Any auspicious amt will do)
4 Yan2 Ji2 (to place each at 4 corners of bed under mattress)
Things to Buy:
Small Double Xi Plate
2 Longans
2 Red Dates
Lotus Seeds
Bai3 He2
2 Red Packets (Any auspicious amt will do)
4 Yan2 Ji2 (to place each at 4 corners of bed under mattress)
Guo Da Li GDL
Big Red packet (bride side need to return some)
Cakes (we get benglawan; nice :))
2 bottles of hard liqour
1 pair of Long2 Feng4 Zhu2 (groom takes phoenix and bride takes dragon)
4 Gold - Si4 Dian3 Jin1 (depend on some dialets custom)
Big basket (for groom to put things in, for bride to put things in for return then groom carry back home)
Ang pow for match maker
Pants for groom
2 bottles of soft drinks in exchange for the liquor
Towels wrapped up as presents for groom's parents, grandparents and aunties
2 lamps (either battery operated or electrically operated)
Comforter Set, Blankets, Pillows for bride, bed sheets, bolster (tie together using ribbon) - bedsheet to be used for an chuang
new set of pyjamas
Tea set
Baby Bath Pail
Face basin
1 pair of Long2 Feng4 Zhu2 (groom takes phoenix and bride takes dragon)
4 Gold - Si4 Dian3 Jin1 (depend on some dialets custom)
Big basket (for groom to put things in, for bride to put things in for return then groom carry back home)
Ang pow for match maker
Pants for groom
2 bottles of soft drinks in exchange for the liquor
Towels wrapped up as presents for groom's parents, grandparents and aunties
2 lamps (either battery operated or electrically operated)
Comforter Set, Blankets, Pillows for bride, bed sheets, bolster (tie together using ribbon) - bedsheet to be used for an chuang
new set of pyjamas
Tea set
Baby Bath Pail
Face basin
Mouth rinse container
Ruler, Mirror, comb
Fans (1 pair), Home slippers - Not for Hainanese custom
1 Sewing Box with 6/8/12 rolls of threads + needles + scissors (scissors dun use for cutting so soon)
Variety of gold jewellery in a box for bride (has to show to the in laws, then bride keep after actual day or depends on when mil wants to return)
Longans, red dates, bai3 he2, lotus seeds, rock sugar, yuan2 bing3 for groom
Parts of the GDL
Ruler, Mirror, comb
Fans (1 pair), Home slippers - Not for Hainanese custom
1 Sewing Box with 6/8/12 rolls of threads + needles + scissors (scissors dun use for cutting so soon)
Variety of gold jewellery in a box for bride (has to show to the in laws, then bride keep after actual day or depends on when mil wants to return)
Longans, red dates, bai3 he2, lotus seeds, rock sugar, yuan2 bing3 for groom
We try to follow as the customs of ang chuang, GDL. But the customary, we change abit, making it more easier for us since we are having banquet lunch instead of dinner. We also improvised some of things as into red packets. So end up, we be exchange of red packets hehehaa.. ...
Big Roast Pig with 8 oranges on big plate - collected early in the morning before bride comes for tea ceremony
Red packets for ah yees
Red packet for driver
Red packet for photographer
Red packet for videographer (if any)
Red packet for kid opening car door
Red packets for ah yees
Red packet for driver
Red packet for makeup artist
* any person who clash got to hide in the room when see couple arriving. Come out after some time.
* no brothers/ah yees supposed to clash with couple
1) Groom leaves from parents' place
2) Groom arrives at bride's place. Kid open car door. Groom give red packet to kid.
3) No blocking door ang pow (open door ang pow not for hainanese and hokkien)
4) Go to groom place. Serve tea. Groom carry pig back to love nest.
5) Go to love nest. Couple MAY like to eat tang yuan at new home. Couple give ang pow to kid.
6) Light the 2 lamps till battery flat
7) Change into tea dress and go to bride place. Serve tea. Pig now at bride parents' home. Bride's mum cut up pig, return head and back, together with groom's pants.
8) Couple return with pig head and back to groom parents' place. Quickly leave for hotel/love nest to rest.
9) If restaurant, bridal car to take couple to restaurant, then go to fetch bride's parents. Groom's parents go restaurant on their own.
~~we didnt go back to my bride house for tea cermony, instead we head straight to resturant n had it after the lunch. then after that, we go back to my parents house.