national day come
Finally it come.... all the preparations had done n decor, with the planning went on quite smoothly.... im glad my committee had been able to pull through n with great response!!! Ya ya!!! reali a day for celebrations whew.....
finally over, i can concenrate more on my wedding preparation now.. so many things .....Shotglass a photo of this, my hubby n I planned to give it to our helpers,
trying of my gowns,
the coordinator of live band n the songs list, confirm guest list,
Confirming Guo da Li things + ang chuan, looking for actual day photographer,
coordination of the actual day, angbaos for tea ceremony,
the cakes for my wedding day,
packing all my stuffs; clothes mostly n keepsakes to my new place & throwing some too
stressful... hope my complexion wont get worse towards the days of my actual day....