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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

July - New Term

In May - had my entry tests...been so long to have the exam feelings again.. pray veri hard in June for me to pass (cos I will be granted a direct entry to the course if I pass.)
Hey, that is my wish for the yr 2005 cos if I able to shorten my course, my fees will be lessen.. of cos provided I cleared all subjects smoothly all the way. That is nt a small sum abt 6k lesser... who dun want. (already I have trouble in keeping up my fees: money problems). I barely scrape enough for my first payment.

wow... Here come my chance to go hoilday to Bangkok... With cheap airfares...Im able to travel.. Everything first time for me..quite an experience... An eye-opener..hehahah..
All I can say about budget airline is reali no frills-type. Service is ok, value for money..(nt for fussy types.) No food is served, doesnt reali matter since it is a short trip abt 2hrs, fine with me. I jt went to sleep n recuperate my energy for shopping later..hehhe.. Leg space is pretty cramped though even for me a short person(luckily it is a short trip) n abit slow in taking off... Overall, It is smooth n pleasant.