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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bling Bling!! IS IN!!!

It IS IN !!! I can TELL u that !!! So beautiful!!! Glittering!! Definitely caught everyone eye!! i CERTAINLY WAN to get ones of these, Lve it when it caught the light or rays of the sunlight, it sPARKLES!! LIKE Diamonds HEHEhahahh

Aim for belt, bag, ring ... accessories... mmm..mmm hairband? hehahah so much mre. Saw a shop in far east, nice! beautifull! At attractive prices!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My clothes

Now my arrival of new clothes!!!! Nice, veri nice. Im supered pleased + my bf also bought some for me too!! I must say gers can never do without lots n lots clothes!!! Spoilt for choices...

I reali like to do online shopping now!!! Hooked!!!!! plus now my working hrs are SO long ... ...
By the time, i finally logged off, shops alreadi closed. Online shopping is so nice!!! with lots lots of choices n @ reasonable prices with shipping (nicely packaging)
Laterr i will upload the photos

TaTArah!!! TaTArah!!!

Now I get most of my skin care pdts, clothes even bags online!!!! Cant wait to get my HANDS on the shoes on OFFER!!! my VERI next TARGET!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

hi guys!!!

wow... so long didnt update le... hehhaha.. busy with work, n many many plans... exhausting!...
Time to update what had happened to my life for the past mth... hehhaah

Firstly, it is my 'boi' my guy goin oversea working... feels happy with for him... always tot it is gd to work at overseas.. learn more experiences n can look around the world.. hehehh (N free leh).
Miss him leh... i try to occupy my time mostly for the weekends (cos i usually spent my weekends with him.. sigh) how?!
Luckily, it was shortened from 2 mths to 3 wks onli... THANKS!!!

Anyway i spent my first wkends by sleeping away hehahah... (pig?) I like to call it my "power beauty sleep" By the time 2nd week, i reali miss him!!!
My second wkend i spend with my ex colleague who often chio me for ktv session... end up i got a horse voice after 3hrs of singing. damn... I reali need to update my knowledge of latest hits... I found out i lacked out choices n stuck in the "oldies"!!!! Aarghh!!!!! After i go for my hairstyle session hehahah... wan to give my bf a surprise + my colleague comment my hairstyle is "boring"!!! Huhh!!!!!
By her recommendation, i went to her hairstylish... (required booking leh!!!), turn out to be ok, reasonable price, consider it located at orchard; far east sq.

My 3rd weekend, i spent it for a lazy afternoon gathering by the ex colleagues, to catch on "goings-on" of everyone... wow.. info gathering i would say...
Fri, i go to my bf hse to welcome his homecoming!!! YA!!YAYA!!! Hopping anxiously for his return... hooray!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Interesting news form Weekend TODAY cont...

Today it touches on fashion sense; baggy jeans with revealing underpants, is becoming fad all over the countries. At first, i tot the guys buy a bigger size of jeans so to create this fashion. Later then i notice the guys are buying the actual sizes, its just that there is abit of cloth sewn on top of jeans t0 create a false view of "reveaing underpants" just like some of our tops that look like two pieces but in fact onli one. hehahah that's funni. Nt everyone can carry this look well, one must tall cos baggy jeans make the person look short, not for skinny ones also. sometimes i think they help in sweeping up the pavements. It seem like London is frowning on this sense of fashion, by making a stand against it, this prokes racial problem (Wow.. that big? serious) cos it originated from the black hip-hop culture.
I agree with the female writer; quote' abt the current vogue in female clothing; sticky-out smocks with big round buttons.. induce adult women to look like toddlers again in search of nearest playarea' Acting cute n sexy at the same time? In fact even my mum say retro is in today, the clothes on the shop racks are used to like the designs she wore when she was a teenage. I should have ask my mum to keep her old clothes or i should start collect my old clothes so during my daughter time, i could just let her to wear haaheehah... There is a hip of vintage cloth like clothes from yr grandma times, ya should ask my grandma to keep her old clothes too so i could wear but never ask me to wear someone's vintage clothes (someone who may be dead alreadi, a dead stranger)
She also mention abt the trend of the very hip low waist jeans for ladies, i personally dun like it, cos neither i had a fablous body to showoff nor i wan ppl to stare at my cleavage of my bottom, unlike the guys of baggy jeans, gers fashion is flaunt their cleavage not only top but also bottom too....

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Interesting news form Weekend TODAY

It's Saturday today. I wake up early, been along time since i wake up early during wkends eversince this job started (as it start with long working hrs, i almost burned my wkends just sleeping n lazing at my hm than going out)
Of cos I m filled with task, thats why i wake up early today. heehhaa
As Im on my way of my journey, i happened to see stacks of TODAY paper appear infont of me. i quickly grab my share (kaisu), heehhahaha more like a habit i picked on my wkdays as there is always a rush of madness in morn. If i pass the "golden minutes", that day i had pass my days with no latest news or info. It is not that i advertise with TODAY, it is just that we need to update our knowledge daily in our lives, n its free, why not (im not blessed with internet in my workplace, so newspaper has become my morn ritual).

As i read on, i was amused by bits of news from the Voices Section. That y i feel like sharing with u.
Students from private sch should benefit of concession rates.. Which i totally agree with BOTH HANDS OK. With so many JCs around in a small piece of land like SG, there's bound to be limited entry in local public univer (which i counted onli 3; NTU, NUS n SMU)
Those with A-level, there is no point of telling them to go out to work with miserable pay offers n those who want to upgrade their studies, a fierce competition is goin here. It is HARD to get in + several obligations, left with no choices; there will be private institutions. In fact, it had been a "IN" things recently for the past few yrs. Im one of them, alot of ppl who graduate from poly is not satisfy with just a diploma (guess its from Asian roots or blame it on our upbringing) Paper chase is FAD!
Private institutions come with so many choices, freedom n lesser citeria.. of cos this also come with a pricey cost : LOTS of CASH! Unlike local ones; can be pay by cpf, private uni want hard cold cash ready. Its nt that we r rich but stuck with no alt, we chosen the private ones. As for my case, local uni didnt offer much choices n i need to study full time. To balance btw studies n money, i decide with studying parttime in private ones (so that i could earn some money while i study)
I quit my work during my last yr of my course to fully concerate, my savings dip the lowest pt with rising prices of transport n food n fees of cos, im prepared. but at the same time, i cant help wondering how my fellow classmates (those are fulltime as a student) fare.
i agree with the person who point this out in the papers; everyone should given with equal chance even with the minority group like the fulltime students in private uni.


This two wks had been passing veri slowly, as i had been veri anxious for my results.
I was told results would be out on Mon, at the last min i was informed by the email from my sch it was postphoned to the next day, Tues. Curses n Swears kept appearing in my mind as i think it must be the sch can't keep up the pace of updating the results (that y it was late)
I waited til 12am, hoping it to be out, still no news. At noon, i kept asking my friends to chk for me (cos no internet access at my side), the system "HANGS"!!!
My mood swings had been going up terribly while im pondering how i fared during the exams, dread with worry.



Now i got so much things to do; clear my stuffs, wardrobe, drawers n throw away the books.. heehee...