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Saturday, June 09, 2007

one of my recent fav drama

Smile Pasta,... taiwan show.. Hooray
...cute couple i mean the story plot... notice it in the cable tv, saw quite interesting then the next i caught myself watching the all thing in youtube 17epi...veri nice.. thinking whether to get it for my own. Didnt realise Nicholas can turn out to be so cute... cos at first when he come out as singer... see him in his mtv wearing the thin purple clothes...(veri gay) but with good voice...
Too bad he didnt get to show his singing talents much in this drama... should sing more...
Onli 2 songs n one of it so old liao.
personally i think nicholas teo in this show turn out to be veri veri handsome....sure got kissable lips...hehahhah... abit too red sometime,,, but sure eye catching. ahhahhaha
Cynthia should wear more nice clothes... she look good mah...often see her in drama, let her wear the 'auntie' clothes 'dampen' her looks.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Xiao Wu Gui 【微笑PASTA】 第16集~3
Nicholas Teo (Zhang Dong Liang)

la la la la la,la la la la la
Zhe shou ge yao gei yi ge ren, Ge sheng dai ti yu yan
Shen qing zhi zeng bu jian, Na yi ke wen ta de lian
Di zhuan tian xuan, Ai de gan jueBi ying tao gen tian,

Shuang yan fang song shan dian
Neng chao yue ji xian, Rang ren wang le ji jie
Ai cheng le jing dian, Wei ta fu chu suo you ai yuan
Yao ni yong yuan shi wo de xiao wu gui, Wo ai ni, Mei yi tian

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

so touching 【微笑PASTA】 第16集~4
i guess its hard to hear someone speak like that...maybe to me heehee