On our way back - LV to idaho
on our day of leaving, we had a sushi breakfast in base. the commissary is big as our local walmart so do the foodcourt mre variety. the far stretch lonely road ahead toward our hm. along our journey, we went to explore the Area 51(which said there is incident of aliens landing b4). so my hubby decided to embark on this Extraterrestrial Highway, it's a veri long n winding road. nt a soul in sight, we almost tot we r lost. this is the souvenir shop we passed by. there is a crowd of deers crossing the road too!!!
finally we reached our destination, we breathed a sigh of relief. there is veri few locals ppl on the town(or ghostly village) n few curious tourists like us.
infamous motel n cafe, it sent out eerie vibes to me. creepy, i shld say.
After this adventure, we continued our journey way back hm.