Numbers crunch
Eversince the four biggest USA investment company AIG faced the dilemma of fallen due to the bankrupt of Lehman Brothers bank, Singaporeans are all very concerned one of their subsidiary AIA. AIA had established quite a reputable in insurance at Singapore among other giants; Prudential n Aviva.Ppl in fact rush to have an early release of their contracts with AIA despite the rosy picture the company n MAS had comply. True enough, AIA had not been performing well in recent years. Not long after, rumor abt a certain foreign bank is facing problems, again ppl rushed to bail out their accounts w them.
Do bank run in Singapore?? MAS require banks to comply with capital adequacy asset maintenance, limits on credit & investment exposures. Other than, having a robust risk management practices like having sufficient liquidity, for foreign banks; a proportion of their assets need to be “ safe n liquid form of SGD” in sg there are 3 local banks; dbs ocbc, uob(since oub had merge with uob), Citibank Singapore can be counted as the fourth one. Now, what ppl need a ressurance is deposit insurance. Despite US had injected billion in the market, the financial economy is going stealthily into recession. Other countries had been doing the same to save their own financial sectors. Is it the “hole” is much bigger to be seen / mend? One figures.