Email accounts
Nowadays, there is a lot website (some are interesting while some are reali junk; one does wonder this, would it reali take up the space in the web?: When the inconsiderate ppl throw their rubbish anywhere, as astronauts throw theirs also in space).. I do have some regular websites I loved to visit most of the time (like my email boxes, friendster, wholivesnearyou etc).
I do love Internet; a lot to learn from.. Surf Internet..(the word "Surf" sound interesting n gd: adventurous n alot sense of freedom) Dangers of the Internet?? Pornography?.. One shld reali take up some responsibility in whatever u do n stops plush the blame on others.
Recently there is a lot offers of large MB email boxes floating around (like come out with 100MB space, heard that is also giving out 1GB free email too.) Usually when I heard abt it, I will jump at the wagon n sign up.. But now I decide to really "sit down n consider" deciding if I reali need it.
Personally I dun have much mails (of cos +plus the junk mail, my Hotmail account always blasted..sigh..poor thing, "flooded" which I need to clear it everyday, it had becoming my daily routine chore. I really hate those emails with no meanings at all but onli with beautiful graphics: I do agree it is nice to look at but if too much, one do suspect what the sender trying to do..n had in mind. Bombarded my inbox with these enormous large files!!
Not onli tat, the second thing I hate most is the chain-emails!! Pls grow up, leh. Stop sending these childish things.!! U don't send these cursing letter to yr friends, do u? except enemies perhaps. I dun go around sending these, I meant I dun curse ppl with that n "flood" their email boxes with these nonsense. Usually once I suspect the email would be a chain letter, I immediately delete, it had already spoil my interest to continue reading it. These letters really reminded me tat if the sender is my true frnd, to send all these n curses me. So wat?, I wldnt be forwarding it around, is it meant I would be cursed??!! Phew! wat a frnd!!
Of cos, Im also scared of receiving emails with attachments that need to be downloading since now virus is so much infectious these days n common..sigh. In fact having 2 email accounts is quite sufficient to me.
Lycos email also not bad, go to, sign up get an account u will get a huge email box space for yrself. This was wat I did since there is alot of projects goin on. Right now, I onli left 2 of it. Too many accounts in yr hands can get u confused, so many cos as a student I reali need a large email account for myself usernames to remember. Im a veri forgetful person.