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Monday, August 30, 2004

Home business - Work At Home

Hi Everyone out there!

Do u believe that u can reali use Internet to earn yr income. I believe there is, but it is for u to identify them: Cautious! Be careful of the frauds websites. Now or recently got alot of Internet program like called E-Mail Pays U! They always mentioned themselves as a great new one compared to others, but they are so many of them on net (even Im confused!!). Damn, but Im reali interested but I cant reali differenate, neither did I want to waste my money or time on searchin for it: despo for money :P kekeke money never enough leh!)

Like this E-Mail Pays U! E-mailPaysU They pay you for simply reading email! To make it even better they will give you $10 just to join up. (A veri referral program, I say ;p) E-Mail Pays U will even pay you when your friends and family read e-mail! I know you'd like to earn some easy extra cash! It doesn't get any easier than this. Signing up for FREE and earn a quick $10!!

Now I heard there is even free mobile phones as gift once u join in the their networking marketing ( Affiliates program?)
Just as I researched on this topic, I discovered in fact some Singaporeans are also involved in this, which seem unbelieving at first. Cos usually this programs (Paid email, Click-To-Paid Ads / Websites, Work-at-home; home business) are found to be entitled to “U.S. residents only”. But now, it had reached out to have an international hold.. Wows… imagine the pot of gold being left..

Books are issued out on networking marketing.. Sigh…did it reali helps? Or even useful as it turns out to be? There is a book named “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, which is one of the best top-seller. When it first come out, everyone was seen to grab it off its shelves n everywhere u r able to c ppl bz reading it. It was reali selling like “hotcakes”.
Strong Future International Marketing Group (SFI) ; Affiliate Resource Center, seem to be a very successful one. One of Ads even says ” How to earn income globally, 24 hours a day --both "front-end cash" AND ongoing, "back-end" Renewal Income ("do it once, get paid forever" residual-style income)”

Eqqu.com: I found a very interesting site. Check it out!! Eqqu.com is a FREE web-based email (Yahoo, Hotmail type) but they actually pay you to use your Eqqu.com email account with 100MB! How's that for a change?! Plus, it's really cool, short and catchy name - Eqqu.com. They launching October 1st but you can pre- register and get your desired username while it still available now. mm...so wat the offer?
At the bottom of every email message you receive, there is a software that will place an ad box with 2 pay per click ads and one free ad from one of the fellow EQQU users. EQQU will pay you $0.01 for every 24 hour unique click on these ads. It means that you'll be able to click on each ad only once in a given 24 hour period. Plus, EQQU will pay you $0.01 for every click made by your downline, 5 levels deep.
Example: If on average day you receive 20 email messages and click on all ads in each message than you would earn $0.40 a day (20 x 2 ads x $0.01 = $0.40). Every EQQU user must refer 5 friends in order to be eligible for earnings & commissions.
Note: Users do not have to refer anyone if they wish just to use the free email service and don't want to earn money.
P.S. You can registered with Pay-Ace.com,registration is free. Of cos, if u have an online business, it always important to have an online payment system.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Get connected

Interesting websites:
Yahoo auction is one of my fad pastimes which i surf. Sometime I go in n jt chk out the interesting stuffs ppl are selling. One could get some nice neat things if u knows how to find them.

Friendster.com (can get in touch with the long lost frnds in pri sch n c how the network grows, u can even c hw many friends u have in common with tat particular frnd u had.) I was hooked at first when I c my network of frnds grow.. Now abit bore. The website is getting slower n slower; I guess: must be due a huge database n the silly cookie problems (but I cant solve that since im quite a IT idiot.) Recently I always receive news tat friendster may close down, I wonder is it true.. Pictures for my profile are always a bother to me whenever I sign these online services. I dun really have any of those, neither did I keep it. My face always appear to be bloated somehow which I dun like. (I think u really must be veri slim to take pictures cos cameras magnify/ enlarge yr face, no wonder actress are always tat slim..Kekke.. Call me vain or whatever, it really does bother me each time I c myself in the photo.

Wholivesnearyou.com is another website I hit upon, created by 2 poly students. It is another interesting one n a slow one too (may be a sever problem). Try to recognize anyone out there around yr neighborhood. All sudden, u seem veri curious abt what happened around u. Im still trying to get to know mre frnds staying at my area (a nice feeling to know u got someone nearby when u r sad, not to worry abt late hours staying up late talking till wee hours when both of us lived nearby.. Even more so like sharing a cab hm when u go to chiong, not that I reali want to save tat midnite charges but my place is reali ulu… tat not much taxis like to go there. : P)

Msn Messenger (get it free as long u got an account with them) is one of the things I often logged on as everyone got hotmail email account. I decided to use this than icq.. Icq I often use the online web verison when Im in office. (meant I need not to install in the pc) Come to notice it; we seem to have a lot of ways/ means to get contact with ppl we know n even using this online service to get to know more frnds. But tat doesn’t mean tat we r getting closer to each other, or be involved in each others’ life. With these means, we tend to “abuse” it, becoming our excuse to be self-focus or veri “busy” somewhere than meeting yr friends / attend gatherings. Our relationship with ppl is getting worse as we become isolated. One even came up with idea of matchmaker online. But do u believe that? So wat had become fate?? I still prefer to friend introduction (old fashioned) ehhahha….mm... I dun reali trust what I seen online. Anyone can be a liar. Things can be distorted from the truth.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Email accounts

Nowadays, there is a lot website (some are interesting while some are reali junk; one does wonder this, would it reali take up the space in the web?: When the inconsiderate ppl throw their rubbish anywhere, as astronauts throw theirs also in space).. I do have some regular websites I loved to visit most of the time (like my email boxes, friendster, wholivesnearyou etc).

I do love Internet; a lot to learn from.. Surf Internet..(the word "Surf" sound interesting n gd: adventurous n alot sense of freedom) Dangers of the Internet?? Pornography?.. One shld reali take up some responsibility in whatever u do n stops plush the blame on others.
Recently there is a lot offers of large MB email boxes floating around (like Yahoo.com come out with 100MB space, heard that Goggle.com is also giving out 1GB free email too.) Usually when I heard abt it, I will jump at the wagon n sign up.. But now I decide to really "sit down n consider" deciding if I reali need it.
Personally I dun have much mails (of cos +plus the junk mail, my Hotmail account always blasted..sigh..poor thing, "flooded" which I need to clear it everyday, it had becoming my daily routine chore. I really hate those emails with no meanings at all but onli with beautiful graphics: I do agree it is nice to look at but if too much, one do suspect what the sender trying to do..n had in mind. Bombarded my inbox with these enormous large files!!
Not onli tat, the second thing I hate most is the chain-emails!! Pls grow up, leh. Stop sending these childish things.!! U don't send these cursing letter to yr friends, do u? except enemies perhaps. I dun go around sending these, I meant I dun curse ppl with that n "flood" their email boxes with these nonsense. Usually once I suspect the email would be a chain letter, I immediately delete, it had already spoil my interest to continue reading it. These letters really reminded me tat if the sender is my true frnd, to send all these n curses me. So wat?, I wldnt be forwarding it around, is it meant I would be cursed??!! Phew! wat a frnd!!
Of cos, Im also scared of receiving emails with attachments that need to be downloading since now virus is so much infectious these days n common..sigh. In fact having 2 email accounts is quite sufficient to me.

Lycos email also not bad, go to http://www.lycos.co.uk/emailsms/index.html, sign up get an account u will get a huge email box space for yrself. This was wat I did since there is alot of projects goin on. Right now, I onli left 2 of it. Too many accounts in yr hands can get u confused, so many cos as a student I reali need a large email account for myself usernames to remember. Im a veri forgetful person.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Reminisce the Good Old Times

Hi, it me again!!. Knock!, knock..?! Did I get yr attention?
Today I had a topic for u all to ponder..(Older ppl do reminisce the gd old days?) n discuss?.. Wat changes had made in the life.yrs definitely!!
I meant. It maybe the place that u used to love (now dun cos someone decided to reconstruct it, thinking it is a great idea), or situations u been b4, relationship (bgr, yr buddies?...enemies??.. Yr childish acts??!!!)
I had agreed alot of changes were made here n there in my life, ehh,..I think me old already liao.. start to rem those olden times.. hehahhah.
Lived in teban for all my life, hey..Used to study tat ulu Pandan Pri. (Heard nw facing shortage of student intake?) Tat sch Deserve it rite...nowadays parents kaisu, everything must be gd. Of cos everyone wan a gd sch..Who wan a near sch nw... Not like the olden days...cos parents hardly cared whether their kids could make it to univer.. Jt placed their kids nearby for the sake of convenient.. (The sch: My old sch, jt had to work hard in improving student grades than kept on revanotin the image of the sch ;P)

I still rem tat time there was even a lady who help to carry the signboard for the students to cross the road to one of the entrance of my sch.. Later it tranformed.. decided to use cheap labour telling students to stand at traffic post, pressing the button plus the teacher standing hovering there like an eagle...
Goin to PAP kindergarten tat time was a dread... teachers were so fierce..

Scolding.. scold scold.. slapped yr hands with a wooden ruler. U would even think that our punishment was their pleasure(even pri sch do tat). On my way to kindergarten, I alway passed by the "quiet" ghost NPP..."no business".. So rural.. Wonder how they passed time..slp?... Jt happened to see them once in "action"; rescued a dumb cat (who one day decided to climb up a high tree, later got "jelly-legs" in jumping down)..Hehhahh.

Lantern festive, I remembered usually the older kids would burnt lantern/ played candles, fireworks n crackers (which we used to play till some stupid kids want to hurt themselves then kena ban!! together with chewing gums) n the swings in playground...the old slide with the wax left all over n around after a day of celebrating of "burning" lantern festival. Speaking of tis, nowadays still got ppl go to that lone Chinese Garden to see the so-called beautiful lanterns (the place decide to go for fees during festival if not usually free to go).

Swimming pool at my place, Teban??... Sigh...lousy facilities at first got canteen later dun know why dun have liao, n become down n out..ppl nw go for fancy rides lah..

Last time, I used 2 to go to do some errands down by afew blocks, Blk32..now changes so much although it seem to have mre, better facilities, but nvr like wat it used to be lively, mre like a ghost town I could say. No crowds anymore, it seems that not every new thing must be gd. Last time we used to enjoy the gd food there, then came the renovation. Things had changed even the hawkers were gone..replaced by some new hawkers who seem to be in their first tender yrs..even some shops still stay but nvr did the crowds went back. :(

Children ahh.. reali got wild n futile imagination .. Hahha I did rem c n hear abt the story of the rope in sch(buries near the entrance of the sch), daring students would go n tried to pull (like tug n war) but no use, it refused to budge, .. Rumors the someone hang themselves at tat tree (cos at tat time ppl believed the trees with heavy shades, may had spirits hang around..Sigh..Who believe?) Even toilets at the 3rd storey were complained of ghost huntings, dun know whether if it was true cos ttat time we used to have class-by-class doin the maintenance of sch grounds..

I rem the old times when pri 5 students got to have camping in sch grounds.. We get to slp in the lousy classrooms n stage..awfully freeze at dawn cos our tents got wet. We got so excited to spend the nite, talking til wee hrs..Then grumbled when we had to jog the reservoir at early morn for morn exercise (6am?), kena teachers said we deserved it (hey the teachers got to slp in air-con lib leh: unfair!) ;P we got to drink a veri watered-down Milo done by our teachers (like water plus the Milo smell onli not even the taste!!) n curry (one had to stir n stir to c if there is any ingredients.. guess.. Not much budget leh)...even got hse practice...P.E lessons..either the gers got to change in the classrooms or toilets).

Sch times were fun.. Those days..we played more than now kids study alot like swallowed the whole dic.(sg smartest kid).. Recess seems to be more worthy in sch day to us than lessons.
We played throughout the time instead of stuffing ourselves. (kids nw favor fastfood..then came the "fatty" tuff club..last time where got these.."funny weird "programs).. ttat time if u were selected, ppl gave u all kind of looks leh, with nicks like "piggy" boi/ ger.. made them embassed (no one wan to go leh, in end, skip class. In the end, the club was unsuccessful: so little "members" who did turned up) . Of cos now...the numbers enlarged leh..by so much.. From the most loving ahlmas(who I seen) serving their precious grandchilden drumsticks everyday without failing to the kids nw hogging the fast food restaurants (with alittle mre money, a so-called self-conscience of hygenic..all of sudden, sg becomes a "heaty" place tat ppl need aircon to surive..?? Since when hawkers will serve the poisonous food, as if fast food dun..? As if the hawkers ppl dun care abt image??.. Rem when there were times any rumor of virus get in food, the fast food restaurants r the first to ensure ppl, n slash the price..b4 u can light a match..of cos..hawkers cant to do..(in first place they sold cheaper leh..if slash like fast food...they survive wat?)!!.. idiotic!! Of cos, there was times when hawkers decide to do it when economics is down ($1 chicken rice etc..NW even got economic beehoon; breakfast)
(Playing marbles, zero-point, hopscotch..five stones were the games we play during lunchtime) even " eraser" games (flipping of erasers)hehah... ppl would buy the whole box(cost abt 10cents each) c who got the most number of erasers in the end.. Bookshop was our fav place.."alot of new n cool things"

ehh..Nw..ppl played computer games.. Internet(You name it. the kids will show u all..point out to u, or even show off which equipments they have nowadays to fight against the boredom of lives n endless tuition plus sch work!) n playstation PS. Nt just ttat..must mention it to be PS2..or u will be poorly titled to be not in latest stream of fashion..or Xbox.!!. Capcom games we played are kidish they say..poor graphics.. Go n c the final fantasy u will know what are "cool" graphics if u dun know any of them. Or esle they will categorize u as history.
If u still buy Receiver, u will be considered old-fashioned. Hey, man ..they will say y not get a mp3 player (like creative's newest child on the block, tat can stores a few thousands of songs like museum).. Nowadays...kids tend to be stuck at hm more tune to playing pc games than ever going out to have a nice gd game n have a sweet refreshing sweat. Internet is popular..so do the dangers it posed. Porno graphics are so easily accessed so do ppl get interested in hacking, cool..having fun..(getting to c a MNC breakdowns / get interrupts in their daily routine), making our parents in turn become more protective, fierce eagles hovering over n around n around us. Commit suicide doesnt seem to a big deal anymore..seem to be an easy way out when ppl overcome with stress.

I noticed there are newspapers reporting teenagers get stuck with huge heavy phone bills, coned by ads, getting to know mre frnds n popluar..usually are guys leh..hehhaha..not tat I say they(guys) r stupid. but u seldom c gers clocking this amount by this kind of ads. one of my guy frnd told me that there is two different lines for the different sexes. like if u r a ger, u get to call by tis nums. U will eventually speak to the guys..around..this applies to bois..mm...but some companies dun charge gers cos its' a business tactics jt like pubs having ladies' nite to attract guys to come. it is the same..all I had to say is cool ideas, wonder how much my guy frnd spend, but luckily he is not hooked to get himself in debts..;)

tat all I had said, folks..how abt u? say yr views leh..Jt veri sorri if u get so sleepily abt such a lengthy one piece of topic..:P