- Manifest Your Own Miracles: 8 Steps
2. EXPECT SUPPORT FROM THE UNIVERSE - Life is solely an outer manifestation of our internal expectations.
When the world hands you a coincidence, stop and say “thank you!” I see coincidences as winks from the Universe, helping confirm that we’re on the right track. When opportunities line up perfectly, when situations mystically converge, when opportunities fall in your lap, or when you simply find a penny on the ground, embrace them without hesitation.
4. DON’T WANT FOR ANYTHING - Evoking the emotions you would feel once your desired goal is attained is the real key to generating your desires.
The state of gratitude is like having your arms wide open to receive all of life’s bounty. Are you feeling open to everything around you, or are you guarded, grumpy, cynical or sad? If you are frustrated by your current situation or surroundings, make a choice to see only the good, even if just for 2 minutes each morning. Jotting down things in your life that you’re grateful for, no matter how small, helps you to open to life’s abundance.
7. FOLLOW YOUR HEART - When you choose to spend time with things that bring you great passion and interest, your emotional body resonates on a very different level. Those who follow their bliss, choose careers that bring joy, spend time with people who delight them, watch movies that lift their spirits, and read books that inspired excitement often draw in more abundant situations. If you make choices out of fear or to “play it safe”, life will give those types of situations or frustrations right back to you. And if you instead take risks to open your heart, mind and spirit, you will, worst-case, get a life of fulfillment, surprise and joy. Look inside to all your underlying motivations and shine a light on them so that you might make a different decision tomorrow. Awareness is the key.
When we realize what we desire, and begin to align ourselves with these goals, the next step is action. And often times this is the step that trips us all up. We can’t stop with just meditation, gratitude, and cleaning up our thinking. We also must take action, and step up to the plate when life hands us miraculous situations or circumstances. Don’t let a great thing pass YOU by!
Making Choices
Life is simply a sum total of the choices we have made. there is a saying, “You are free to choose, but the choices you make today will determine what you will have, be and do in the tomorrow of your life.” That may seem a little daunting, when we do pause in our journey through life’s many twists and turns, to consider how we actually make choices. Choice of career, choice of spouse, choice of investment, the list goes on. Is it by instinct or “gut feeling” or do we actually analyse the important decisions we make in life? Or do we get so paralysed by fear of making the wrong decision, that we simply abdicate from any responsibility and just leave it to “fate”?
Or are we taught to go the safe route, to live with compromise, as we would have plenty of that? For those looking for a job or those at the crossroads as to what direction to take for the rest of your life, here are some thoughts on what not to do when making choices:
1. Don’t attempt to weigh all options.
2. Don’t think of all the things you don’t want.
When thinking about career for example, don’t waste time thinking what you don’t want to be doing. Instead, focus on what you want to do n what job is ideal for you. As the saying goes, what you focus on expands. Similarly, don’t focus on solving problems. If you keep focusing on your problems, and what you don’t want in life, that is exactly what would expand! Instead use a creative approach – think about what you want in life and focus on how to create that for your self.
There are three types of choices that can help take you forward – primary, secondary and fundamental choices.
Primary choices are choices you make with regard to major results e.g. “I choose to be financially free in five years’ time.” Meanwhile, secondary choices that can help you take a step toward your primary results. In the above example, a secondary choice to support the choice to be financially free may be to build a second source of income, or perhaps to set aside money for investment.
What about fundamental choices? This is something not many people are aware of, but it is indeed crucial if you want to be really successful in life. Whereas a primary choice concerns itself with specific results and a secondary choice supports those results, a fundamental choice has to do with a state of being, or basic life orientation. A fundamental choice is the foundation upon which primary and secondary choices rest. It is not subject to changes in internal or external circumstances. be the choice to be true to oneself.