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Thursday, April 23, 2009

new enhancement

hi guys, im fine, getting used to it here. at least now is spring'like abit sg weather n temp 26 c. got a humidifier for my home (nvr heard of it in sg but here is needed), damn dry here. it is a household heater that fill the air with water mist. my hubby n i mainly use it when we sleep, sometime we even lazy to fill it up. i can wear my normal clothes n walk around.
communication wise is ok, both sides must speak abit slowly if nt cant hear properly, guess must be accents.
im now later then sg by a day. mmm... mmm... ... must check their calendar hehhahah to see whether is there any public holiday coming or long weekends (maybe can go on a short tour, hehee). i think here got public holidays more than sg.

here quite remote, i think i can go out shopping onli on weekend (sat, sun; abit tiring after long journey to n fro) must drive out veri far, need at least 1hr drive to get to there. maybe i should just go online shopping. nearby got fast food..., supermart, sch n other amenities like library, gym so on ... ... but they all close early. Some close at 4pm, the latest at 8. but this town is nothing, veri village no cab here.
here junk food veri cheap, like ice cream, cookies, chocolates, cakes etc.. they somemore even sell junks like family size. if u dun watch yrself, u will be obesity in no time. of cos they all taste marvellous wonderfully, wickedly sinful (better than sg). heheehhahah

dun reali have the heart to shop as I keep thinking usd veri ex, comparing the currencies strengths ; sg 1.5 = usd 1. we try to save lor, n nt buying much unnecessary things.

i got frnds said my hse look small in photo, i just laugh. i dun think i need a place too big to clean up for 2 of us living onli. my hubby start work as soon as he sort of settle his stuffs, left me alone in hse. so far no neighbour move in beside me. I can say it's bore la, but i cant fly back to spore anytime unless i pay my flight tic(it ex). It is nt even a mth yet, i guess i will try to suit myself to the environment n adapt to it. now i got 2 cards on my hand; id card n bank card, soon i will taking my foreign driving license.. Aarrrghhhh.... need to go through the theory test... Man!, is test again! sort of agitated driving here, although here is a relaxed pace.
wah asss.. ... here cable ex leh, we just buy the plan for Internet is already 50+ not including cable TV. here u buy tv, u need to subscribe cable in order to have channels to c unlike sg system.

ppl here are friendly n simple, u can leave yr things outside yr house n no one will steal it.
ohhh.. one thing here, when having fast food, reali must clear yr own tray cos no one will clear for u. there is one time i forget, after a few hrs still there. so paiseh. ask my hubby quickly clear. sure got pple see cos is lunchtime. i just hope no one rem my face
6-7 per meal for normal fast food if u got other requests, can add up to 10 bucks. n including tax.
onli fast food no need tips, but if fast food, i rather eat others. as other food portion is big n can share.

wont be back to sg any sooner since the air tix is ex. so will be back at next yr mar ba when my hubby finish his assignment.