my ROM is on fri, so I spend the nite b4 at my hubby house since we are goin to bridal shop (it is near his house) the next day to do my makeup. Luckily, my package include rom, so i dun need to buy any extra things/ clothes for my ROM.. (consider its free!)
This is my hand bouquet flowers. I LOVE it!!!!! reali AWESOME, SUCH A BEAUTY!!! even ask my photographer to take more photo of it... hehahah i get this from wet market... (great :)) cos florist is too ex.. anyway it is a small hand bouquet but in photo it look big; enlarge hehahahh) The auntie is good, I just tell her what i will be wearing for my ROM, what my ideal flowers n colour i like. She do the matching, these pink roses are recommended, say it look very gd in photo even the my photographer compliments it...nice piece of work. Thumbs up for the auntie!! yeah!!! YAYAy..
See the pearls!!! I requested auntie to add in cos its a trend now to have pearls in yr flowers look more endearing than just water droplets.
we took various photos include standard photos with our parents n some playful ones :)
See the pearls!!! I requested auntie to add in cos its a trend now to have pearls in yr flowers look more endearing than just water droplets.
It is fun i like this way better than my album shoots... i even prefer this makeup than my album cos it more natural n youthful :)))