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Monday, December 31, 2007

Alone.. .. countdown

It is the new yr eve but im alone to celebrate... (not entirely alone but not with my loved ones).
I M STILL IN OFFICE. Suck!!! !! Tot can go off early… since it is a special day but we still need to finish our stuffs b4 goin… my bf is outside, celebrating with his frnds. He got invited me to go along... but im stuck HERE. Sick …, man… I reali hate this job. No freedom, no early log off for special days except work work… like slave to money, to company. Tire.~~

Monday, December 17, 2007

Budget... ....Saving?

Budget... or ....Saving, these are the thoughts pondering in my mind.
Saving money for wedding... cut down in shopping, clothes, shoes, bags (my fave) n any luxury expenses /indulgences.
or go for Budget wedding.. no banquet (just a simple gathering of families) / no album?? photography/ video, no wedding gown just a simple rom? Save for the new hse, hope it can come faster or til we saved enough for renvo?
both are concerned for money... required hard work n effort.
Tons n tons of money.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Away... ..away... ...

Everyone is leaving today... sigh.. SOBS..Sobs.. :~~~(
Some are my fav collegues... some familiar faces... eversince we come this place, we got mixed feelings (its far too out; rural.. remote.. causing inconvenience), whatsmore it is too small!.. Ya compared to the old place.

I dun know is it ppl alreadi had in mind of leaving cos of this place... or company is goin through a resizing phase... everything goes as a blur.. swift i could say.. ppl goin but no fresh intake...
workload increasing as less n less ppl are around.