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Friday, September 10, 2004

Plastic surgery, is it gd for You?

Wat are your views toward it? Do u accept it as ppl need to go there to beautify themselves? Will you be one day plan to do that too (or Already Done so)? Are u comfortable with it? If yes, what do u want to change then?

Recently, there seem to be an increase in reports on it, ppl are getting more open toward the idea of going under knife. “No Pain, No Gain” there’s a saying. Beauty is really an essential ever since long ago. Those who are beautiful are often loved, n being concern than those who are lesser, are neglected. Ppl pity the beautiful ones like if we saw the death of a butterfly compared to a death of a crow.. Ppl dun reali think twice to sigh for the fragile butterfly. There is even a report saying that beautiful, tall people get more pay than their colleagues. Unfair.. there always a thing for unfairness.. if not, there wouldn’t be a word called “miracle”. Those beauties even get choices in choosing their suitors.

There is an old woman in recent newspaper, (about 50 +) go under the operating theater for more than 10 times…(frm actresses to ppl from the walk of lives). There is even a famous Korean female star, whose looks is so stunning with tat super-gd figure, hey that is a guy. Nowadays there had been a lot of cases…so what is the downside or is there any? Does anyone cares? Even there are TV shows like Extreme Makeover, nip n tuck.
Pain is ok…beauty come first… I think for most people' cases. At least chk out the beauty pageants are real… (the judges will got to dig out their histories)… But then I also heard there is another sort of beauty contest for the other kind of ” beauties” too… I’m stunned to find out that most of the china gers had gone to plastic surgery (n in fact mre than 10 times…in sg, ppl dun even go beyond 2/ 3 times).. Lengthen their legs is most sought other than the double eyelids. (…so much pain had to go through – breaking yr legs bones then put a screw n metal thing…depend hw long u want it to be….yucks…n I dun think after that u will be able to do any exercises; like running)

oh.h. Even now, men go for saloon…not only for hair cut, but facial treatment. Slimming programming are jt so popular n irrating.. Everywhere u seen it n the ads are jt ballooning…(dun know which to believe!??) Ppl want to change into a figure when they were as teenagers or even more desirable one which they nvr had before. Jt Change whatever or everything we want…but is there a price to pay?!…

//Side point; one of my fertile wild imagination -; so we did indeed managed to change into beauties…n later we got our spouse who also like tat, married, had a child.. (turn out to be ugly..?) cos he/she got our original features; genes. So who to blame?) “Hey, didn’t know u look like tat?! Or is this ”Huh!!, that’s our baby mah???!!”). See the result of Jackie Chan n his son...he got his father ‘s nose, not only that he got his father’s eyes too.. In fact, Jackie had gone through plastic surgery himself in order to had double eyelids, or else who do u think his son inherit from?…his mom is a beauty (we all know: as we seen it at the old movies. :P)